The last month has been crazy GOOD! T-man is doing great. His lab markers are looking good and his weight is moving up. We are still giving him daily antibiotics to help him fight bacterial and fungal infections, We will be doing this for the rest of his life or at least until bone marrow transplant. We also are doing the immune boost shots, which we strongly believe are helping him so much! We just had a follow up with ID and our CGD doctor at PCMC, both departments are very impressed with how is his doing. He did develop a rash from all the antibiotics. They called this rash a from of lupus. Because of the strength of the medications and the length of time he had been on them, it makes his skin very sensitive to the sun! We have to be very careful with him from now on in the sun. We have to keep a hat on him as much as possible and sunscreen as well. We have to even watch the sun in our house coming in from the window or even reflecting off of things. We feel like we can handle this although we do live in the heat of heat and a very sunny town.
Through all of this Tanner is still being Tanner and a growing baby. He is officially a MOVING BABY by army crawling all over the place, which is so fun but stressful because before I could keep him contained to an area on the floor that I knew was clean but now I cant. It will be fine, I will just be cleaning a lot more!
We also MOVED into our new house. We are in love with it and are loving the space! Although it is a lot more for me to clean but it is worth it.
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