Today was a good day. T did as well as he could without eating. I was able to feed him till 6am then I had to stop. His surgery was at noon, so we had some time for C to come in and see him for a bit. We gave him a good bath with the special cleaning soap. We got him ready in nice clean clothes. After this was all done, we had about 30 minutes before surgery or so we thought. They actually got ahead of schedule and called for us early. So Jeff and I walked him down and spoke with the anesthesiologist and they explained a little more about the surgery then said give your kisses and hugs. We did just that and then handed him over. They said we will see you in about 3 hours. It was so hard seeing him go but I knew it was best for him. He is such a brave strong boy. As we had some time to kill, we went back to the house and cleaned a bit and did some much needed laundry and let C play with the toys and outside. After that she needed a nap. We laid her down and my mom stayed with her and we went back to the hospital so we could be there when Tanner got back. It was a good thing we did because he actually got done about 30 minutes early. The doctors felt really good about how everything went. They got nice clean margins on the liver and got a good chunk of samples from the lymph nodes. They also put in a PICC line after surgery before waking him up. This PICC line is coming home with us and is how they will continue to give his meds and draw blood. So no more pokes for a bit! T was so sleepy for the rest of the day, which was fine as long as he kept eating somewhat. He would eat for only a bit so they had to give some fluids to keep him hydrated. We just did a lot more hanging out and staying closer to Tanner. He had a hard time coming out of it and did not like the way it made him feel. I felt so bad for him. I just wanted to take all the pain from him and help him. I held him for like 3 hours and just let him sleep and he loved every minute of it. He did well throughout the night. He still didn't eat great but they said they wanted to give it until morning.
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This little happy, finger sucking, toe grabbing, IV pulling tough guy has surgery today! 5.5.2016 They will being going in and removing a lymph node for better testing and hopefully understand what infection made him so sick. Also with all the testing and scans that T has had they have found a spot on his liver that is concerning to all of us so they will also be removing that spot on his liver and sending it for tests. Be strong and tough T. Our Heavenly Father loves you and will be with you the entire time. Dad, Mom, and C will be praying for you and the surgeons and anxiously waiting for you to come back to your room. WE LOVE YOU! #Tmantough#toughliketanner #PCMC #jolleyfamily2016 |
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Our T-Man before surgery and after! He was a CHAMP! The Doctors said he did great and feel great on how everything went! I am confident the lord was with him the entire time and guiding the surgeon. They sent everything to lab and pathology, its going to take a couple of days to get the results back. The top right corner picture is chunk of his liver with the mass inside (the white circular area). T is doing as well possible. BIG THANKS FOR ALL THE THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS TODAY. They are truly felt. #Tmantough#toughliketanner #PCMC #jolleyfamily2016 |
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