Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Discharged Again - Week at home

In the time being in the hospital for only a week, Tanner was so sick of people touch him and bugging him while he slept he was SO OVER IT. T had multiple echos during his stay. He kept having a little bit of fluid on each echo, finally they came in and checked his line but trying to draw out some fluid that was left. When they did this out came a clot! (not uncommon that this happens) The drain was clogged and that is why it seemed all the fluid was gone per the drain bag but then on the echo it showed fluid.  On 7.17.2017 T's Drain was removed. I believe the final amount of fluid that was removed was about 300ml. (30ml=1oz)  It was not a fun time for T but it was progress to going home again.  I still can not believe how much fluid was around his little heart!

T did have some fun times during this hospital stay. Thanks to DAD!! Jeff is such a fun dad and loves to play games, tease, and finds creative ways to make the time go by and enjoyable while it passes. BLANKET FORTS FOR THE WIN!

We hoped that with the drain coming out, T would get discharged the next day. But the Cardiology Team wanted us to stay one more day and have another echo to just make sure no fluid came back after the drain was out. So finally on 7.19.2017 T was Finally discharged again!

Life at home again.... T is 100% BOY and back to his normal self again! (I was gone home to work for a couple days and came back to a completely different kid it seemed like) T has had A TON OF ENERGY!!! I can not believe how much better he is acting. He is happy, playful, a tease, running around and does not seem nausea at all anymore! And he is EATING!! He is eating everything in site it seems like. HIP HIP HOORAY! This a huge step in going home to St. G! He just need to eat a little more, which is hard because he is still a Toddler and we all know how much and well a toddler eats! We had a great weekend with some family that came north for a day. The 24th of July (pioneer day in Utah) was a big rough! T and I tried to make the best out of it by playing, watch the parade on TV, taking a nap together but it was still hard because I knew of BIG celebration we were missing out on in Beaver! I CAN NOT WAIT TILL NEXT SUMMER! It will be such a great summer and I will take full advantage of every minute of it to make up for this year!



"When summer gives you rain, jump in the puddles" -Winnie the pooh
T had a blast playing in the rain to today. It was just the change of pace that we needed today! Living miles away from our home, and not being a complete family all of the time can really start to pull on you. We are so grateful for all of the support everyone has give us. All of the sweet message and text really have helped me so much. And gives me that extra boost! 

RAIN! Rain for me has always been my favorite. I don't know what it is, but some how rain gives me strength, it helps clear my mind, it opens my eyes and it ALWAYS ALWAYS make me happy. Even more happy when it is the warm summer rain that you can run around in and dance in! As I was able to play in the rain with T today it helped me know everything is going to be alright! We will be a Family again. T will be healthy again. BUT also helped me remember to ENJOY this time! ENJOY the Craziness. ENJOY the instability. ENJOY the hope. ENJOY the snuggles and the struggles, and most of all ENJOY the JOURNEY. T has been through so much and will not remember any of it! I am his MEMORIES! I will share these stories with him. I will be able help him through even more trails in his life because of this time in our life together. Our bond has grown strong. NOT just bond between me and T. But the Bonds between Jeff and I, Caroline and I, Tanner and Jeff, Jeff and Caroline, Caroline and Tanner. and the bonds between our families, our extended family members, our friends, our Doctors, nurses, and most of all OUR Savior and Heavenly father! And these old, new, stronger bonds will never be broken or change because of all that we have gone through together. 

At T appointments this week, the team was really happy that he started eating again and that he has improved so much. His counts are looking awesome, which is great given that he was sick and we thought that his number would drop. We are about 68 Days Post transplant. Our day 100 is Aug 28, as of right now. And Tanners readmission should not hold him back to much, if at all. We just have to work on getting more meds orally and him eating more still.

Thanks for reading and the prayers!


1 comment:

  1. Hello, it is wonderful (also a little scary) reading about your experience with CGD and the BMT process. It makes me happy that your son is doing so well. My 20 month old was recently diagnosed with CGD and we are headed for a BMT next year. We live in Iceland but the BMT is done in England so we have to spend three months in a foreign country for the BMT. Luckily we are fluent in English�� Anyway, just wanted to leave a greeting since I read every blogpost on your blog�� best wishes for you and your family, Eydís Ósk Heimisdóttir
