7.13.2017 Being readmitted. T caught the paraflu going around and his oxygen level was low today at his doctor's appointment so they want to keep him and observe him for a day or two... Love you Tanner Boy

7.14.2017 You hang on tight little man, and I won't let go. We will get through these bumps along the way!
T had an echo this today due to his chest x-ray yesterday showing an enlarged heart. The echo showed a large amount of fluid around his heart. Because of the amount and the concern by the cardiologist we are head to the PICU for a couple hours until we can get into surgery tonight with the IR (intervental Radiologist) to remove the fluid off his heart. We may go back to PICU just over night depending on how surgery goes. They will leave a drain in till all of the fluid is removed. We are not sure what caused this fluid, we will send it for testing and hope we get an answer. I will update more when I know more. Love you all! Thanks for all the prayers. #notashortstayafterall#tmantough2017 #toughliketanner #bumpsbumpsandmorebumps#hangintherelittleman
Post Pericardiocentesis (fluid removed from around the heart) snuggles are the BEST! T-Mans procedure went well they pulled off about 130ml(30ml=1oz) of fluid off from around his heart and sent it for testing. We are hanging out in the PICU for the night. He still has the tube in to continue to drain it and make sure the fluid gets taken off if it comes back. So another scar to hard to his collection. He has the worst time coming out of anesthesia. It was hard to help him get comfortable and happy again but I hope a good night's rest will bring my happy baby back tomorrow.
Thank you so much for all the thoughts, prayers, texts, and love that you all sent today. It was nice!
Thank you so much for all the thoughts, prayers, texts, and love that you all sent today. It was nice!
T- You amazed me today. Just like you do everyday. Love you tons! (The last picture is of when he was headed into his procedure. He was not very happy that I left him with that strange man
🤣 but he was the nicest and funnest guy, everyone has been amazing today) #tmantough2017 #toughliketanner

7.15.2017 It's a bright, new and better day ahead with a Happy T-Man. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the thoughts and prayers you all sent our way yesterday! We are doing awesome today and headed back to the ICS unit today! #toughliketanner #tmantough2017
During this time - I was extremely grateful for our loving heavenly father to comfort me and all the prayers and thoughts that were sent our way.
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